Ethernet and USB Problems I tried Fedora on the BBB, but it is slightly behind the curve (strange for Fedora, which is usually bleeding edge), the ethernet and USB ports do not work yet since it needs a newer kernel. The Debian distributions are better on the BBB. So, one can blow against the wind, or try Debian... Penetration Tests I am working on a networked project which is an island system - it is not connected to anything else at the moment. I say at the moment - since I know that sooner or later, the bosses will demand that it be connected to the something else, at which point the lack of attention to security will come to bite everyone. There is a small security and penetration test oriented Debian based distribution called Kali Linux that you can get here Kali installs on a SD card, so your original Angstrom Linux on the BBB will remain unaltered, which makes it worth a try. An in...
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