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Showing posts from May, 2016

Whole Disk Encryption

Many people, even card carrying computer geeks, do not understand why a computer hard disk must be encrypted and why a computer must be shut down for the disk encryption to be effective. This applies, whether you are using Bitlocker, Filevault, PGP, GPG or LUKS. Why Encrypt Your Disks? If the disk is not encrypted, then a miscreant can boot the computer with a USB stick or CD and read everything on the disk, or plant incriminating data on your disk , and then call the police, or wait for you to go through a border post where your machine may get searched - then watch you end up in the slammer. Also, if the disk drive controller would fail and you replace the disk and chuck it in the trash, then the data is still accessible, if someone would replace the drive controller from an identical disk bought on Ebay. If your laptop PC gets stolen, then it can end up on Ebay, with all your data and the buyer can empty your bank account, order a bunch of credit cards in your name, or se...