One doesn't need to be a wizard to realize that when you take a large amount of wealth and divide it amongst four billion people, then nobody has anything.
Globalization is a form of Communism. It didn't work in the USSR or China and it won't work for the whole world.
Recently, the Limeys voted to exit the EU - which confirms that although common sense isn't common, it usually prevails in the end.
The multi-national companies seem to be the only entities that profit from globalization. The rise of these behemoths are amazing and appears to be a rerun of the two East India Companies, which became so big, they had their own governments, money and armed forces. Eventually the corruption ran so deep that they became indistinguishable from their parent countries (Netherlands and UK) and it took major wars to get rid of them. Maybe one day there will be a real war between Apple and Amazon, with Pepsico running away with the spoils and all restaurants will become Taco Bell?
It is economics 101 really: Free trade benefits large international corporations, while trade barriers protect small national corporations. Small businesses create employment. Large companies destroy employment as they drive productivity up. Therefore, ever increasing productivity is not necessarily a good thing - one has to find a happy medium.
Some sanity is returning to the USA now also it seems. Let's see what Prez Trump will do. I expect more trade barriers to go up and countries to become a little more insular, while employment and local innovation will improve.
Liberals are complaining that democracy is not working since people are not voting the way they want them to vote!
The pendulum is swinging...
Or not?
Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson is so bad, they are paying him 180 Million Dollars to please leave and go work for Prez Trump. At least, that is what it looks like to me. Why do ExxonMobil shareholders put up with these hugely wasteful payments to self aggrandized executives? Sue the board of directors! Get your money back!
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Globalization is a form of Communism. It didn't work in the USSR or China and it won't work for the whole world.
Recently, the Limeys voted to exit the EU - which confirms that although common sense isn't common, it usually prevails in the end.
The multi-national companies seem to be the only entities that profit from globalization. The rise of these behemoths are amazing and appears to be a rerun of the two East India Companies, which became so big, they had their own governments, money and armed forces. Eventually the corruption ran so deep that they became indistinguishable from their parent countries (Netherlands and UK) and it took major wars to get rid of them. Maybe one day there will be a real war between Apple and Amazon, with Pepsico running away with the spoils and all restaurants will become Taco Bell?
It is economics 101 really: Free trade benefits large international corporations, while trade barriers protect small national corporations. Small businesses create employment. Large companies destroy employment as they drive productivity up. Therefore, ever increasing productivity is not necessarily a good thing - one has to find a happy medium.
Some sanity is returning to the USA now also it seems. Let's see what Prez Trump will do. I expect more trade barriers to go up and countries to become a little more insular, while employment and local innovation will improve.
Liberals are complaining that democracy is not working since people are not voting the way they want them to vote!
The pendulum is swinging...
Or not?
Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson is so bad, they are paying him 180 Million Dollars to please leave and go work for Prez Trump. At least, that is what it looks like to me. Why do ExxonMobil shareholders put up with these hugely wasteful payments to self aggrandized executives? Sue the board of directors! Get your money back!
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