Well, ARG certainly is a good abbreviation for this post...
RPMs are special kind of tar archives and they work well enough, but nobody really like to make them because the process is somewhat unforgiving. The best way to do this is to make your own example and then copy and paste next time you need to do it, or you can turn the whole process into a special script and even generate the SPEC file on the fly with a bunch of echo statements.
Let's say that you have a script called test.sh that you want to install into /usr/local/bin and want to use an RPM for that.
Software development and RPM tasks are best done on a Virtual Machine, to ensure that you don't accidentally mess up your regular desktop system. So see first this: http://www.aeronetworks.ca/2014/01/fedora-20-on-virtualbox.html
# yum update -y
# yum install rpm-build gvim system-config-users -y
Log out and log in as rpmguru.
$ mkdir testscript-1
2. Copy test.sh into the testscript-1 directory.
$ cp test.sh testscript-1/.
3. Make a tar ball
$ tar -cvzf testscript-1.tar.gz testscript-1
4. Make a spec file with
$ gvim testscript-1.spec
5. Make the RPM directories
$ rpmbuild testscript-1.spec
(It will fail with “…no such file...”, but will create the ~/rpmbuild directory structure)
6. Copy the script and spec files
$ cp testscript-1.tar.gz rpmbuild/SOURCES/ && cp testscript-1.spec rpmbuild/SPECS/
7. Make the RPM
$ rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/testscript-1.spec
8. Now you can install the file with
# rpm -ivh rpmbuild/RPMS/tetscript[tab]
and see if it worked.
Version: 1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Test script
Group: none
License: GPL
URL: none
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: /bin/cp, /bin/rm, /bin/mkdir
Requires: /bin/bash
Example RPM, displays Hello World
%setup -q
echo OK
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin
cp test.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin/
%attr(0775,root,root) /usr/local/bin/test.sh
* Fri Feb 21 2014 Herman 1
- Example Hello World script
La voila!
RPMs are special kind of tar archives and they work well enough, but nobody really like to make them because the process is somewhat unforgiving. The best way to do this is to make your own example and then copy and paste next time you need to do it, or you can turn the whole process into a special script and even generate the SPEC file on the fly with a bunch of echo statements.
Let's say that you have a script called test.sh that you want to install into /usr/local/bin and want to use an RPM for that.
Software development and RPM tasks are best done on a Virtual Machine, to ensure that you don't accidentally mess up your regular desktop system. So see first this: http://www.aeronetworks.ca/2014/01/fedora-20-on-virtualbox.html
Tools and Utilities
First do an update and install a few tools:# yum update -y
# yum install rpm-build gvim system-config-users -y
Build Account
Make a special user account just for making RPMs. Don't mess up your own home directory. Run system-config-users and create a new user called rpmguru.Log out and log in as rpmguru.
RPM Recipe
1. Make a directory called testscript-1 for the script.$ mkdir testscript-1
2. Copy test.sh into the testscript-1 directory.
$ cp test.sh testscript-1/.
3. Make a tar ball
$ tar -cvzf testscript-1.tar.gz testscript-1
4. Make a spec file with
$ gvim testscript-1.spec
5. Make the RPM directories
$ rpmbuild testscript-1.spec
(It will fail with “…no such file...”, but will create the ~/rpmbuild directory structure)
6. Copy the script and spec files
$ cp testscript-1.tar.gz rpmbuild/SOURCES/ && cp testscript-1.spec rpmbuild/SPECS/
7. Make the RPM
$ rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/testscript-1.spec
8. Now you can install the file with
# rpm -ivh rpmbuild/RPMS/tetscript[tab]
and see if it worked.
Name: testscriptVersion: 1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Test script
Group: none
License: GPL
URL: none
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: /bin/cp, /bin/rm, /bin/mkdir
Requires: /bin/bash
Example RPM, displays Hello World
%setup -q
echo OK
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin
cp test.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin/
%attr(0775,root,root) /usr/local/bin/test.sh
* Fri Feb 21 2014 Herman 1
- Example Hello World script
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_a_GNU_Hello_RPM_packageLa voila!
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