It appears that this web site is now visible around the world. I'll gradually repost the better Linux guides that I had on my previous web site. A blog is a different way to present things, but it is the contents that matters and using Blogger is much less of a hassle to get the contents online, compared to my previous Apache web site.
This article was reprinted in OSCAR News, March 2018: If you want to receive Satellite Weather Pictures , then you need a decent antenna, otherwise you will receive more noise than picture. For polar orbit satellites, one needs an antenna with a mushroom shaped radiation pattern . It needs to have strong gain towards the horizon where the satellites are distant, less gain upwards where they are close and as little as possible downwards, which would be wasted and a source of noise. Most satellites are spin stabilized and therefore the antenna also needs circular polarization, otherwise the received signal will flutter as the antennas rotate through nulls. The helical antenna, first proposed by Kraus in 1948, is the natural solution to circular polarized satellite communications. It is a simple twisted wire - there seems to be nothing to it. Various papers have been published on helix antennas, so the operation is pretty well ...
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