We planted a new tree and wanted to stabilize it with three posts, so it won't blow over in a storm, while it is still young. It turned out that planting the tree was the easy part. Hammering the 2.5 meter support posts into the ground, was a whole 'nuther problem. One cannot use a sledge hammer on a tall post, since climbing onto a ladder and swinging a heavy weight around, two meters above ground, is sure to cause a rapid, unplanned descent from the ladder. The safe solution is a pile driver - a heavy pipe that is closed at one end. I could not find a pile driver at the local hardware store and in any case it would cost around 65 Euro, so I took some scrap wood and a two hundred year old sledge hammer and there we go. The only expense was a handful of screws. The thumper works remarkably well. It took longer to make the thumper than to set the three posts, but now I can also use it to drive in a sand point shallow well for the garden. Start ...
Autonomous planes, trains and cranes...