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Showing posts from April, 2014

#4: Qemu Tool Chain for the Beaglebone Black

So far my adventures with the Beaglebone Black left something to be desired, so I decided to make my own ARM tool chain and try to get Fedora 20 to run properly on it. The easiest way to prepare code for the BBB is with Qemu.  This way, one can make a native ARM system for test and debug on a fast computer and then one can simply copy the resultant programs over to the slow little BBB. Well, that is the idea anyway. Qemu On a Mac, installing Qemu is an adventure in and of itself, so I eventually called it quits and rather installed it on a Fedora 20 virtual machine on the Mac - a virtual machine inside a virtual machine.  It makes my head hurt just to think about the computing contortions required underneath it all, but if it works, it works - except when it doesn't wanna... Therefore, start here: Instaling Qemu on Fedora is super simple, since it is very well supported: # yum install qemu -y which will


This bug will probably be taught in Comp Sci classes in years to come and the poor student Robin Seggelmann from T-Systems International who wrote this buffer bounds beauty, earned instant infamy. It is a terrible, terrible bug - you send a request to a supposedly secure server and it returns up to 64KB of data, which on a busy mail service like Yahoo, could contain multiple user names, passwords and keys in each and every request. The bad thing is that the heartbeat feature was not necessary. A thing should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. -- A. Einstein T-Systems violated that principle and we are all paying the price. Keepass Give the good IT folks a few days to fix things and then change ALL your passwords everywhere and to preserve your sanity, do install Keepass (Windows), KeepassX (Linux, Mac) or KeepassDroid (Android). For those worried about Keepass, see this:

Fedora Linux eth0

Sometimes a change is not as good as a holiday. I like the ethernet port zero to be named eth0 and not p2p1 or em1 or whatever the blazes the system decided to call it this time, since this stupidity breaks all my scripts. To get the standard behaviour back on Fedora 22 or later, you now only need to do two things: Add net.ifnames=0 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub immediately before the last quote. Reconfigure:   # grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg Rename /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-whatever to i fcfg-eth0 Change to NAME=eth0 inside file ifcfg-eth0. Now you can reboot: # reboot And check things with ifconfig once the machine is up again. Alternatively, you can call it quits and install Slackware . La voila!