The most annoying thing on my Mac is ( was! ) the Adobe Flash Updater . This annoying program will pop up and steal the focus and it doesn't actually work. It never succeeds in updating the Adobe Flash plugins. The only way to do an update is to go to the Adobe web site with a web browser and download their apps again and install them manually. Man will only be free, once the last computer has been strangled with the power cable of the last router. — With apologies to Didero. There are many pages on the wild wild web that suggest how to suppress this atrocious thing, but I have not seen a method that actually works. So I hunted all Adobe updaters down with the top , kill and find commands and then rooted them out with brute force: $ sudo su - password # find / -name "Adobe*app" ... # cd /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/ARMDC/Application/ # mv "Adobe Acrobat" "Adobe Acrobat Updater.bad" # cd /Applicatio
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